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Creative Sector Flex Fund

Providing Flexible
Support for the Arts


The Pennsylvania Council on the Arts (PCA) introduced a new grant program, the Creative Sector Flex Fund (CSFF), in 2023-24, and is offering the program again for the 2024-25 grant cycle. The CSFF is designed to address the changing needs of dynamic PA arts organizations with average annual revenue between $10,000 – $200,000.

This grant program incorporates the current needs of the field by offering grantees the flexibility to use $5,000 grants in ways that ensure the most significant impact for their organizations and communities. Eligible uses of funds are flexible, including the support of applicants’ administrative, programmatic, and project-related expenses.

As a regional partner of the PCA, Centre Foundation administers this grant for Centre, Clearfield, Clinton, and Huntingdon Counties. All applicants must submit a new application every year. 

Please note: The PCA has retired Pennsylvania Partners in the Arts’ (PPA) Entry to Program Stream, and Program Stream grant programs. The decision to retire these programs resulted from the PCA’s consideration of conversations, feedback, observations, insights, research, and data review with state and industry leaders, panelists, grantees, and community members. The goal of this retirement is to enable the PCA to provide a funding avenue that better aligns with industry trends and the goals of the PCA’s strategic plan.


Download and review the 2024-25 Creative Sector Flex Fund Guidelines for program eligibility and required documentation.

For grants through Centre Foundation, your organization or program must be located in Centre, Clearfield, Clinton, or Huntingdon Counties.

Process and Timeline

Grant applications open on June 4 and close on July 25.

Centre Foundation staff will review submitted applications to confirm eligibility, and then a community evaluation panel will score the applications and recommend grants for approval by Centre Foundation’s board of directors. Notice of grant decisions will be communicated to all applicants in November 2024.

If awarded, grant funds must be spent by recipient organizations by December 31, 2025. Recipients must submit a final report by January 31, 2026.

How to Apply

Applications must be submitted through Foundant, Centre Foundation’s online application portal. If this is your organization’s first application with Centre Foundation, you will need to create an account. To apply, you’ll login to the portal with your email and password.   

Late or incomplete applications will not be accepted.

If your organization is not eligible for the Creative Sector Flex Fund, please visit the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts website page for additional information on opportunities that may suit the needs of your organization. 

If you have any questions, please contact Krista Williams, Grants and Scholarship Coordinator, at (814) 237-6229 or

This grant program is made possible through our partnership with the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts.

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