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Equitable & Inclusive Communities Grant

Envisioning a Vibrant
and Equitable Community


At Centre Foundation, we believe in a vibrant Centre County where everyone has the opportunity and resources to flourish. Our vision drives us to take meaningful action, which is why we launched the Equitable & Inclusive Communities Fund in 2024. This initiative is designed to support the advancement of equity-centered leadership & capacity building and address issues of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging in Centre County.


Applicants must be an IRS 501(c)(3) public charity, school, or government entity. Unincorporated groups may apply through a 501(c)(3) public charity that acts as a fiscal sponsor. Funding must be used to support programs or projects in Centre County that comply with Centre Foundation’s Nondiscrimination Policy.

This year, $2,250 in funding is available. New or ongoing programs and projects in the following areas are eligible:

  • Arts, Culture, and Community Development 
  • Capacity Building, Consultation, and Leadership Development 
  • Education, Youth Development, and Workforce Development 
  • Health, Wellness, and Human Services 

Priority will be given to projects that promote equity to populations who face systemic barriers in our community, including geographically underserved communities, communities of color, immigrants, refugees, English language learners, persons with disabilities, LGBTQ+ communities, and other under-represented populations.

Process and Timeline

Grant applications open on August 13 and close on September 26. 

Centre Foundation staff will review submitted applications to confirm eligibility, and then a community evaluation panel will score the applications and recommend grants for approval by Centre Foundation’s board of directors. Notice of grant decisions will be communicated to all applicants on or before November 15.

If awarded, grant funds must be spent by recipient organizations by December 31, 2025. Recipients must submit a final report at the conclusion of the funded program/project or by January 31, 2026.

How to Apply

Applications must be submitted through Foundant, Centre Foundation’s online application portal. If this is your organization’s first application with Centre Foundation, you will need to create an account. To apply, you’ll login to the portal with your email and password.   

If you have any questions, please contact Krista Williams, Grants and Scholarship Coordinator, at (814) 237-6229

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