The Importance of a Community Foundation

In 1981 when Centre Foundation began, community foundations across the country were seen simply as community endowments, with the sole purpose of building wealth. But that role is changing, and Centre Foundation, as with many other community foundations, is increasingly seen as a convenor, uniting donors with private, public, and nonprofit entities to envision new possibilities and drive meaningful impact. Today, effective community philanthropy goes beyond endowment funds; we are connectors, aligning the interests of donors with those of grantees while advocating for vital causes and shaping policies to address community needs.
As stewards of community endowments, we carry the responsibility to not only be financial stewards but to also be a catalyst for positive transformation, bringing to life a vibrant Centre County where everyone has the opportunity and resources to thrive.

Molly Kunkel
President and CEO
The 1980s marked the creation of Centre Foundation and the beginning of a long legacy filled with generous members dedicated to our community.
1981 Centre County Community Foundation established by Judge R. Paul Campbell
1982 First endowment fund was established with a $78,000 estate gift to benefit the local chapter of the American Red Cross
1989 Centre County Community Foundation reaches assets of $500,000
The 1990s saw the expansion of endowments, which provide vital support to nonprofits in perpetuity.
1994 The Campbell Society, a donor legacy society acknowledging planned estate gifts, is established in honor of the foundation’s founder, Judge R. Paul Campbell
1994 Centre County Community Foundation assets reach $1,000,000
The 2000s provided new ways for donors to play a more active roll in philanthropy.
2000 Centre County Community Foundation establishes a supporting organization, Foundation Properties, Inc, to accept gifts of real estate and other real property
2001 Bob Potter becomes the first full time Executive Director
2002 Significant grants were awarded to help with the building of Lifelink EMS, Schlow Library, and State College YMCA
2004 Centre County Community Foundation assets reach over $12,000,000
2006 Centre County Community Foundation became certified through Community Foundation National Standards, ensuring transparency and financial responsibility
2007 Mary Kay Williams becomes Executive Director
2009 Al Jones becomes Executive Director
The 2010s allowed Centre Foundation to increase community impact by harnessing new technology and including new perspectives.
2011 Centre County Community Foundation celebrates its 30th anniversary and rebrands as Centre Foundation
2012 Centre Foundation assets reach over $25,000,000
2012 Centre Gives is established, our annual online giving day, and raises over $500,000 for the inaugural event
2013 Molly Kunkel becomes Executive Director
2014 Current office building donated by Don Strickler is officially opened
2014 Centre Inspires is established to grant $100,000 to support transformative projects designed to create change on a county-wide scale through community engagement. Over the next 5 years the program funded successful projects like Good Day Café, The Rivet, Centred Outdoors, ACRES project greenhouse, and Book Benches of Centre County.
2017 Centre Foundation sponsors “Light Up State College” community project to set the Guinness World Record for the largest ice lantern display and lights up Allen Street with the most ice luminaries in the world
2017 Centre Foundation assets reach over $40,000,000
The 2020s brought unforeseen challenges, as well as new opportunities to bring the community closer together.
2020 Centre Foundation creates the Centre Foundation COVID-19 ACTION Fund in response to the COVID-19 pandemic crisis, committing $500,000 in assistance to nonprofit organizations
2020 Giving Circle goes virtual and breaks records by granting $19,000 in total to CentrePeace, Centre County Youth Service Bureau, and Centre Volunteers in Medicine
2020 Centre Inspires grant money is redirected to Centre Gives and Centre Gives breaks record by raising $2,179,143 in community impact dollars in 36 hours
2021 Centre Foundation assets reach over $80,000,000
2021 Centre Foundation celebrates its 40th anniversary
2021 The 40 for 40 Campaign is created to honor the 40th anniversary, with Centre Foundation providing $1,000,000 in endowment matching funds, creating over 40 new funds benefitting more than 30 local organizations with a total value of $2,000,000
2024 Centre Foundation embarks on an ambitious strategic planning process, establishing a 5-year plan with bold goals for impact and growth